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Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'll cry for you Kim Soo Hyun!!

Oh oh Im totally hooked with Kim Soo Hyun now.
Yeah I know Dream High has ended a long time ago, I just finished the last episode now since I stopped at episode 15 a long time ago because of busy-ness.

I wonder why he's not famous earlier..for me he should..
But well, its okay tho, since he's still young.
He was really talented in acting ya know, much more talented than several actor that we have now.
And he got a nice voice a cute really likey!!!
Maybe no suitable role for him as he still young to play as a mature hero..i guess.
What's the main things other than good acting that makes me really like him? Lets see.

I usually don't cry (doesn't have any feeling to cry) when it comes to the sad scene when they have men crying for her love one ..
but I cried everytime he cried in his acting...what a superb actor!!
I felt that his cry was really genuine (although its for acting purpose) and his cry can drag me to cry as well..
well, look at his tears and expression in Dream High, he looks like as he's really crying in real life.

So, time for smexy cutey picxa of Kim Soo Hyun guys!!!



Ok, enough.
Google it yourself~weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Let's Learn English

Don't forget to try!!!
Good Luck!!
muahahahahahahahaahaha..(evil laugh)

Monday, March 28, 2011

KFC in Penang sucks!!!

I don't get it. really.
I don't know why KFC in Penang was reallyyyyyyyyyyyy sucks.
when i said really, it means damn sucks.
I thought kfc sg.dua is the only one yg sucks.
But it turn out that all kfc that i went in Penang is exactly the same.
Im not the only one that whining about this thing ya know.
Almost all my friends too.
Its different when we eat in our hometown.
when we ask for  spicy chicken, we absolutely got spicy chicken.
you can even see the redness of spicy on that chicken.
yeah, im not lying..u can tell the different just by looking at it.
and we just got that in our small town u see.

Most of the time,when we ordered spicy fried chicken, we got 'more than original' kind of fried chicken.
I don't know that KFC hired deaf and blind people.
Im not trying to insulted OKU here or whatsoever (please don't twisted my words) but we paid for our food and we expected the best that we can get.
Im not asking the food to be like heavenly extravaganza delicious, but give us what we want.
Don't give us 'stone' burger...our teeth is not created to eat stone...please note that.
In Sg.Dua, in Queensbay Mall, and the worse is Bukit Jambul its all the same.
Please owner of KFC in Penang, improve your service or i'll not gonna buy it anymore.

p/s The only thing that makes me happy while in Queensbay that day is the sale in Guardian!!!!!! its a 8 days sale, end this 31 march. I got my Maybelline gel eyeliner for only RM 29.90.....hehe...ok what, at least i can save 10 ringgit...muahahahahahhahahaha

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It seems too good to be true...

I wanna go to Australia or Canada for exchange program...
seems too good to be true right...
but im serious here....
im sooooo busy this week, don't even have time to think about this...
just today my class was from 10am until 6pm ya know...urgghhh sick!!!
its a little bit burden to me because it involves a lottttttttttttttttttttt of procedure..
i have to consider a lot of thing before going there...

Its not like i go there for is easier but this is exchange program...
means i have to be there for quite a long time..
extend, money, visa, medical check up, kredit transfer, courses, flight, sponsorship, university bla bla bla bluekkk........
oh ya, Japan give us full sponsorship but with a serious condition of tsunami now, i don't think i was allowed to go they surely had cancelled that sponsorship based on their difficulties right now..maybe...
i had no time to, im not even tell this to my parent..
n i have to submit the application tomorrow...
oh goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
how im gonna make my decision????????????????????????????????????????????????
my sugar baby please help me!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The prediction of our last day.

ni aku just share drpd facebook...
perhaps it is just a research drpd Barat tapi apa yg penting kita beramal dan bersedia..
sebenarnya semua ni dah disebut dlm al-Quran sendiri cuma kita je xnk amik peduli..dan org Barat pon buat kajian dan membuktikan bahawa Al-Quran tu mmg benar..the most realiable source in this world.
aku assume ramai org dh tau n baca but its okay, 
ini adalah peringatan untuk diri aku sendiri.

[Bukti kebenaran Al-Quran. Fenomena ini telah disebut dalam Quran 1400 tahun dahulu.]

* a) Mengikut hadith umat Rasulullah akan hidup selama 1500
tahun.... sekarang sudah 1439 = 426 + 13 tahun hijrah... daripada ini kita
ketahui kita akan bertahan dalam masa 61 tahun lagi.. 
Jikalau ini benar, bumi akan kiamat pada tahun 2066...

* b) Saintis telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang lebih kecil daripada bumi yang menghala ke
bumi... Ia telah dianggarkan bahawa planet itu akan melanggar bumi pada tahun 2014.
Amerika akan cuba untuk menukarkan orbitnya dengan menembaknya dengan sebuah roket... 
Dan saintis juga telah menjumpai sebuah planet yang juga akan menghentam bumi... Ia dianggarkan akan melanggar bumi dalam masa 60 tahun lagi..
Dan planet ini lebih besar daripada bumi... 
Jikalau ini benar, dunia akan musnah pada tahun 2065....

* c) Dan dikatakan kuasa Israel akan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 2007.... 
Dan kuasanya akan jatuh semula dalam 14 tahun, iaitu tahun 2022, disebabkan oleh penurunan 
semula Nabi Isa... . Dan hadith mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa hanya akan  hidup selama 40 tahun 
dan dunia akan kiamat pada hari Nabi Isa wafat..
Jikalau ini benar dunia akan kiamat pada tahun 2062... 
Dianggarkan Bumi Akan Kiamat Antara Tahun 2062-2066... 

* Wallahu'alam... Semua ini telah dikaji... 
Dan yang dipercayai paling tepat ialah hadith yang mengatakan
bahawa umat Rasulullah akan bertahan selama 1500 tahun... 
Kita telah berada di bumi ini selama 1439 tahun... 
Cubalah anda kirakan sendiri...

Beribadatlah wahai umat Islam sekalian... Ini adalah antara
berpuluh-puluh artikel di internet yg seperti ini.. Dan jangan tunggu artikel
seperti ini dikeluarkan baru kita nak buat amal. Benda ni dah diajar sejak
kita kecil lagi. Kiamat pasti tiba. hanya orang yang leka dengan dunia shj
yang akan rugi. berhibur tidak salah tapi jangan lupa apa yang disuruh oleh
Allah. Patuhi suruhan Allah dan tinggalkan yang mungkar. dan korang
jangan risaula..aman dunia akhirat..sama-sama kita doakan
kesejahteraan untuk semua umat Islam.

P/s : plz sebarkan msg nie kat semua kgkawan kite yg beragama Islam...


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Di sebalik Aisya dan Maria

mula2 ingat nk buat assignment tapi entah mcm mana terbukak plak wikipedia psl nabi Muhammad s.a.w..
drpd 1 page dh jd bukak byk2 page..
selalunya mcm tulah..bila baca psl nabi Muhammad, gerenti akan jadi lama and xboleh berhenti..and gerenti akan sebak and menangis sekali..
yeah, im not lying..i'll cry everytime i read about Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
walaupun sebenarnya cerita tu mostly dh tau and byk kali baca..
taktau lah kenapa..mungkin sbb rasa sangat kagum comes naturally.
and sampailah terbukak psl isteri2 nabi ni.

im not browsing too much on the other wives but im just attracted to read about Aisya and Maria..
Aisya tu korg pahamlah kenapa kn..sbb she's one of the most prominent wife of nabi Muhammad..
tp Maria tu aku terbukak sbb pelik tgk dia tulis Maria the Copt..
besides, aku nk tau kenapa dia tulis the copt tu..
aku pon xbrape tau yg Baginda ada isteri nama Maria...(teruk gila knowledge aku kan...mmmm..)
actually copt or coptic tu adalah nama agama kristian ortodoks at that of the largest church at Nabi Muhammad's time is the coptic ortodoks church..(menurut wikipedia)
something like that la..aku pon xbaca sgt...
so boleh disimpulkan bahawa Maria adalah penganut kristian coptic ortodoks dan merupakan seorang hamba yang dihantar olah kerajaan Byzantine kpd Nabi Muhammad sebagai hadiah and dia converted to Islam and married to Nabi Muhammad after that..
dalam sejarah, Maria digambarkan sebagai seorang wanita yg cantik.
ada historian (kapiaq kot) ckp dia concubine je, but don't give a damn with that historian, dlm Islam dh sah2 xboleh ada concubine..dh sah2 dia isteri kan...ngok.

semua fakta2 pasal dia korg boleh google je...
tapi apa yang aku nk cakap ni bukan pasal kisah dia tapi aku baru lah tau ada sebab disebalik nama Aisya and Maria dalam 'Ayat-ayat Cinta'...
kronologinya disini...Aisya mmg aku xperlu cerita sebab most of people dh tau sape Aisya, one of the most prominent woman in Islamic history..
so its normal lah nama Aisya digunakan dlm tu..sbb nk menggambarkan peribadi yg mulia and solehah and etc..

tapi aku baru terfikir sebab nama Maria digunakan dlm Ayat2 Cinta...
korg nampak tak??
dlm Ayat-ayat Cinta kan Maria tu penganut Kristian..then she converted and married to Fahri..
the same goes with Maria isteri Nabi.
i mean she's a Christian before converted to Islam and married with Nabi Muhammad.. 
nampak tak persamaan kat situ...
the writer use the same name with the same background to create a new character..
i mean the writer is not just put a random name for his story..
he is using the history to make a new story seems meaningful..
kita boleh fikir la maksud tersurat dan tersirat tu..
there's another story behind it.
aku pon baru perasan, tu pon sebab terbukak kan..
kalau tak mmg xtau..
ke orang lain mmg dah tau, aku sorang je yg xtau??

ni saje jela nk ckp..
dlm Ayat-ayat Cinta (dlm cerita itu shj ok, bkn real history), Maria tu peberet aku...rather than Aisya..
sbb Maria sgt cheerfull...aku suka watak dia..and Aisya punya character dlm tu berubah-ubah between bila dia bertudung dgn tak bertudung kt rumah..mungkin sebab kat rumah kot, manja2 lah sikit dgn hubby tp kt luar masa belum jadi husband n wife mana boleh over2...agaknya lah..and sebab dia kan berwatak alim dlm tu jadi xboleh lah menonjol sgt character dia, kena control lah sikit.

okaylah, aku nk sambung baca lagi ni...kalau agak2 korg dh tau xpelah..saje nk tulis gak..
moment bersejarah ni..bkn senang aku nk ber'critikal thinking'...;p
till we meet again~
see ya!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Journey to the North~ weeeeeeeeeeeeeee

hah tajuk xbleh blah...haha
not really an island like what u'all imagine skrg..
Penang Island je...
actually this is our second journey in Penang Island..lehhhhhh
our journey started on the first night when we discovered the night life in Penang Island..
just imagine we travelled from 11pm until 6am..what a crazy journey..
but its fun, since we don't have to deal with traffic jam at night..
we even found some prostitude (bapok okay!) at dawn..i mean at the time like 4-5 am but we have no guts to take their picture.
u can do it but get ready babe, their heels might end up at your car or your head if you are not a guy but a hot gorgeous lady like me...(haha..wekkkkkk~)

well, pictures tell thousands word. 
check it out.

one of the famous night market in Penang

Snake Temple

An elephant at Golden Thai Restaurant

Hard Rock Cafe & Hotel~Let's rocking babeh!

Okay..that's it.
i don't want to put a lots of picture, im just too lazy...haha..dush.
all the pictures are actually at my friend's camera so i just upload some of it.
im just too lazy..oh God what happen to me??
so, thats all for today.
Langkawi Island I come!