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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Anthony Mackie and Benjamin Walker in 'Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter' (Review)

Awesome movie!! Well, at least for me.
Watch this a few days ago and didn't even think I will like it. Actually, this movie is not in our plan to watch, but after wasting time there thinking what to pick, we thought why don't give it a try. Yeah, when I saw the title with the word Abraham Lincoln, I was skeptical about the story. Abraham Lincoln, a prominent figure in history and vampire? What? Are you kidding me? But heck, that's what makes it interesting. You are actually watching another interesting side of Abraham Lincoln. It shows a life of Abraham Lincoln from a child when he saw his mother died because of vampire, seek revenge on the young age and eventually became a president, while hunting vampire at night. Oh no, I don't want to give spoiler. Ok, I'll stop. LOL.

This film received mix reviews, some said good, some said it was so-so. For me, it's awesome! I admit some scenes when he kills the vampires are just a few second flash scene, but still,  it's worth watching as I didn't feel regret spending my money for the ticket. It was not that bad as some people said. I guess it depends on your liking and preference. Personally, I give this film 4 star out of 5.


  1. ya ek...klu camni iols pun nak try tgk la. iols pun mcm tak minat jah tapi...can't judge if belom tgk khennnn ;D

    BTW nyahhh... mak celen nyah ni!

    buat skali ;D

  2. mak pon mcm xminat sblm tgk tu, ikut orang je tp panggung penuh weh cite ni..tgk2 sampai habis, hurmm not bad..mcm fusion of history+thriller+fantasy..
    worth watching!
    tp kan, i don't think i can do the challenge..xdop tenet kat umah nyahh..xsampai 55 hari
