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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A guy with no balls are really pathetic~

yes. you are not blind.
A guy with no balls are really pathetic.
yea..i've met one.
ehemm ehemm...relax2...
i just wanna talk about a guy with no balls...not u...
but if u r happen to be one of them, sorry to say babeh..its really really pathetic.

                                         illustration purpose only~hehe

why i said this?
because we really encountered a guy with no balls like you!..err...oh no no no..(don't slap me please~)
actually we rented a car from him..we took the car in the morning and tested the car first...
and that car was not in a good condition..there was a sound here n there..i thought the sound was from my friend but guess what its really from that car...
so in the evening we decided to send the car back to the owner and guess what?
that guy scolded us and asked us to send the car as fast as we can..without any discussion.
ok, we sent it..
but at the moment we arrived there he's still swearing and cursing at us about how we had burdened him just because we send that car back!
hello moron....your car is a piece of crap! deal with it asshole! you want us to involve in an accident??
im not married yet okay!

and then, he asked us to send that car to his cousin while his mouth still cursing to us...see,how shit he was?
no, shit was better than least, shit never curse at me..
after a while, he changed his mind..he asked us to go back and walk by ourself !!!!!!
that was the moment when i felt that i should take a piece of shit and throw at his face!
what the fuck??
are you a man??? i mean a man with balls??
oh i guess he's not even a man...
thats why i said he ain't got no balls..
if he's really a man, he suppose to send us back, not just ignored us, girls walking to the campus when its almost dusk!
he just gave us back our money (and it's not enough ok!he's already took some of the money.)
we are really pissed off at the moment and asked about the rest of the money..oh he wanna charged us from the morning we took the car.
ok nevermind then..once again he proves us he really ain't got no balls.. ok we just let him take it, but not that easy.
we cursed at him as well..
what do you expect? we will go just like that??
hell nooooooooo..we have our pride too.
but still, he wanna pick a fight with us...hahahahhaa
seeing a man like that make me wanna laugh..
seriously...i mean i was angry at that moment, but when i think about it, it was kinda funny.
a guy pick a fight with girls!muahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhaaha
he's really had no balls...i mean normal guy would feel ashame about that...
even me as a girl i think i would feel fucking ashame if it happen to me..
see, he's not even feel it..
so, i was right!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

ohh im not the only one yg jadi mangsa rupanya.

hi peeps!
smlm aku post psl sorg psiko kan...
hari ni aku sambung duty kt conference tu and aku pon citer lah story smlm tuh kt budak2 group aku.
and guess what, dorg sume sebenarnya tau mangkok hayun tu psiko.
patutlah si budak ani tu geleng2 kepala xnk teman. dia dh kena kelmarin rupanya.
soalan die tanya pon lebih kurang je mcm aku.
cissss siott sungguh dorg ni..haram nk bagitau aku awal2.
and memang betol la sangkaan aku dia actually tau je tmpat tu kt mana.
saje cari pasal nk suh orang lain tunjukkan.
ahh terkena lagi aku.

tapi dalam aku nk mengelak tu pagi tadi terserempak jgk dia with segerombolan participant conference tuh.
nasib baik masa tu lynna yg bawak so lantak lah.
tapi siap nk bg salam kt aku...aku pon jwb amik ade je n blah.
xsanggup nokkkssss!!!
lynna pon dia suh tolong attach fail ke wayar ke ape ntah. dah org ckap xnk paksa jgk..last2 terpaksa lynna tu berkeras ckp dia xnk buat sebab xberani..dia assist ke tempat2 je bkn technician..nasib baik la ko xikot lynna,kalau tak hmmmmmmmmmmm...

masa2 kitorang dihabiskan dgn cuba mengelak bertembung dgn dia..siap mkn lunch awal2 n blah drpd meja sekretariat kt dewan budaya tu sebab xmo dia datang n mintak apa2 lagi.
ade sorg budak tu,i name her as G, dia siap bagitau lagi sorg member dia dh terkena..dia naive maybe, bagi no phone.
then dapat mesej mcm 'i miss u' and etc...(wweekkkk!!)
trauma budak tu beb...eeeuuuuwwwwwwwwwww
memang patutlah dia trauma kan..kalau aku pon pon dh cukup trauma wehhh!!

aku mmg blah awal2 dgn member aku pas lunch g least kalau sgt malang terjumpa ada la someone dgn aku..balik je dr surau miss G bagitau psiko tu kt bilik SK...wahhhhhhh seriaunyee!!
then aku tido2 ayam letak kepala atas meja.
suddenly naz ckp jgn angkat kepala kau!
aku dh terangkat skit tp nampak je dia terus aku letak balik buat2 tido.
oh God!! time tu jgn ckp lah seriaunye..naz punye kelam kabut capai kertas ape ntah terus ckp dgn en.A..buat2 discusslah kan...ingat dh blah..skali dia dtg meja kitorang n ckp kt anip...

idiot : 'are u looking at me just now??'
en. A :   'eh no no i didn't look at u..
idiot : yeah i saw u look at me just now.
en.A :  oh no no no.

nasib baik pastu dia blah..kalau x...xtau lah aku...aku mmg dh buat2 tido mati je kt situ.
siot ahh...mmg gila betol..sapelah teringin tengok dia..kalau tertengok pon ape masalah dia???
perlu ke nk tanya dohh?? tau lah dia suke en.A kan..eeuuww
habis tu kitorang usha doktor2 yg muda2 hensem tuh perlu ke sorg2 nk dtg tanya
'are u looking at me?'
nasib baik ni last day.
tapi still aku takut.
sebab dia ade je kt kampus ni.
oh shitttttttttttttt!!!
once again.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dalam International conference pon boleh ade psiko!!! oh shit !!!!!!!

Hari ini adalah hari yg sgttttttttt scary bg aku..
well, u know i've joined the buddies to assist the participant of an International Conference..
so, even i was so busy im not regret it at all...
but today....was a really unlucky day for me...

actually, there's one person actually need our help bcos he wanted to know the venue for his presentation tomorrow...
so aku dgn baik hatinye telah membawanya ke SK (bangunan sains kemasyarakatan) sebab dia sgt bangangnya xtau walaupon aku dh pointed out building tu..

so, bila kitorang start jalan, dia pon tanya lah nama aku and aku pon gitau jelah..well biasa la kalau nak tau nama..its not a big deal jd ak gitau..
then he begin to ask me a LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of question sampai aku pon naik rimas tp xsampai hati nk ckp sbb dia tu guest...n aku on duty nanti dia kata organizer xpolite plak kan..
dia pon start tny aku soklan psl cultural marriage in malaysia, tny aku ske foreigner ke x, asking my age, ada bf ke x, n then ktrg pon smpi kt meja 3 org buddies kt DK B...sembang2 lg dgn dorg n smbg jln...

pastu jmpe anip dgn naz plak, sembang merepek lagi...time tu bleh lg gelak2 walaupon hati dh lain mcm...
then bila aku dh selesai tunjuk dia bilik mana satu then aku pon nk blik lah sbb dh abis duty.
aku pon ckp la kt dia 'im going back with my friend''
bleh plak dia ckp aku xpolite n xberetika sbb dh hantar dia g SK tp xnk teman dia balik tmpat asal..mmg babi punya org..
aku pon cuba berlaku sopan teman lah jgk walaupon hati membara2...

then dia pon start bercakap lg like there's no tomorrow..
bleh plak dia ckp org mesia kecik2 n dia ske yg fat...
dia xhabis2 ckp..
'u r a good girl, i like ur!!!
'can we friend?? like a real friend???"wtf!!(aku pon xtau la makna real friend tu cmne..euuwww)

pastu suh aku teman g bank plak,....wahhhhhhhhh time tuh mmg rasa nk ckp heh celaka aku bodyguard kau ke hah sial!!!!! geramnya aku!!
tapi tahan lgi..
pastu start balik tny bapak aku keje ape, blaja gune duit ape, cukup ke x,bpk aku ada bg duit ke x, bpk aku keje ape,pangkat gaji...
i mean perlu ke nk tanya tu sume??

pastu yg paling xbleh blah, ada ke dia ckp goverment dia kc bykk duit kt dia so kalau ada masalah bleh bgitau dia...
mksd dia kalau xckp duit ke ape ke mintak lah kt dia...what the fuck!!!
ko sape nk kasi duit kt aku??kenal pon br sehari..tu pon sbb nk tunjuk jalan.
sabar jela kau time tuh..
aku pon cuba la resist n ckp.aku still ade mak bapak okay!!!
dia nk jgk ulang bende tu..nk je aku sepak muka dia time tuh tapi sabar lg...
pastu dia ckp dgn driver bus..aku pon jalan la cepat2...
then dia panggil plak nama aku!! babi lagi!!
eeeeeeeeee....berambus jela naik bas apehal nk panggil nama aku smpi 3 4 kali..
babi betol la psiko tuhhh
pastu bg aku kad nama siap no hp suh aku call dia..
babi!! mmg xla kn..
pastu siap bgtau dia slalu kt library ptg2..
pastu tanya lagi aku speed menaip ok x..nk suh aku tolong dia type keje dia..
heh gila ke hape dia ni what the fuck aku nk tolong ko type!! hishh gila sungguh!!.tak memasal je..
even aku xde keje pon watdehel aku nk tolong ko!!
aku pon resist la ckp no no no no i don't really type fast whatsoever
pastu dok puji2 aku lgi..bas dh nk jalan dh tu tapi dia dok la ckp2 lagi..
aku dh bape kali ckp bas dia nk jln xpaham2 org nk suh berambus...muka aku dh berubah time tuh pon mcm xpaham bahasa org rimas..shit!

kalau lah aku tulis sebijik2 conversation aku dgn dia mmg pjg gila entry ni..aku malas nk tulis detail je kalau tak korg mesti nk muntah...serious dia ckp non stop..
i mean kalau perbualan non stop tu berilmiah ke xpe gak ni soalan macam gampang!
after dia dh blah aku pon tepon member aku tadi...
barulah dia bagitau aku mangkok tu mmg psiko...
dia penah ajak member aku (lelaki) teman dia makan n teman dia kt bilik...(rupanya dia duk usm, lagilah celaka!)
n dia ckp "i wont do anything to u'.........
eeeuuuuwwww...gila babi scary tuh!!
kenapa korg xckp awal2!!!!!!!!
kalau aku tau sumpah awal2 aku berambus dgn kwn aku.
aku dlm duty jd sedaya upaya aku nk tolong dorg so aku bersangka baik jela,.
rupa2nya mmg psiko.
n lg satu dia ckp dia wt ape ntah kt kampus ni...
pastu dia wt research kt bgnan ape ntah aku xingat tapi dia point out kearah bangunan SK...lorong2 itu lah jgk...
SO....korg dpt tgkap x??
maknanya dia mesti tau la bangunan SK...n dia saje suh org tunjuk supaya dpt cari mangsa...
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa babinya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
berapa ratus kali aku menyumpah n mencarut pon bengang aku still xreda..
hanya yg rasa je paham betapa sialnya dia..
betapa aku menyesal teman dia....Sungguh....Xtipu.
aku rela kena mcm brader yg bg surat dr dlm keta tu drpd yg ni...
yg ni 100000000000000x ganda lagi psiko tau x!!!
mommmmmmmmmmmmm help me!!!!

aku sgt takut aku terjumpa lagi dia esok...
jangan lah dia dtg kt aku..tolong lah
but this time i won't tolerate it anymore..
since i've told my friend to accompany me all the time..
kalau dia dtg mmg aku lari, xpon aku buat2 bz...
lantak kau lah.
aku mmg berdoa dlm solat tadi supaya aku tak jumpa dia lagi.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


ok.dh episod 9 aku tgk my princess..boring sial..
aku pon xtau ape yg bestnye cite ni..
nothing interesting..
pelakon je kot yg standard..
tp plot haremmm...

Perkara kecik yg buat mood aku spoil bila tgk my princess

Warning: Ini adalah pendapat umum aku sahaja. Tidak ada kena mengena antara yg hidup atau mati. TQ.

mood aku rase cm xbest bile tgk my princess sebab Kim Tae Hee.
org ckp die cantik, tapi pada aku boleh lah,cantik jgk.
tapi untuk pegang watak puteri and teenager yg tgh blaja kt universiti mcm xseswai pon ade..
aku xtau la org lain rase ape,tapi aku rase spoil tgk die dlm tu.
its okay kalau die pegang watak career women or mature women skit sebab itu lagi sesuai.
i mean dia mmg dh berumur kan..(yeke??)
sebab bila dia senyum aku leh nampak wrinkles2 kt smile line dia..
and yet dia pny character cam mengada2 skit pon ada..xsesuai dgn umur
i mean kalau Lee Min Jung yang pegang watak tu ke sesuai la sebab die muda n cantikkkkkkkk~
(seriously dia mmg cantik n aku SANGATTT SUKA dia n hero dia dlm drama 'smile you')

                                               lee min jung~cantik kan~

watak dia mmg manja gak dlm tu tapi manja yg tak annoying n reasonable..manja yg kelakar tapi degil n keras hati..
I mean kalau annoying pon dlm bentuk yg kelakar and seronok utk ditonton..bkn yg buat usus korg memulas..
and bila dia menangis means dia mmg sedih and you could fell kesedihan tu dgn dia..bkn ngada2 je nk nangis..
tak tipu weh, itulah yg aku rasa bila aku tgk 'smile you'..
elemen cinta, kekeluargaan, kasih sayang between each other in a big family walaupon gaduh2..cukup rempah ratus dia..ranking dia dlm list aku adalah no.2 after boys over flower..
aku mmg sangat2 rekomen korg tgk citer ni..sbb sape yg dh tgk pon mmg comment dorg baikkk punyerrr~heee
tapi xtau lah korg pny opinion kn..
lain orang lain taste...~

aku mmg xsuka watak ngada2 yg xreasonable n xsesuai..seriously..annoying okay..
aku suka watak independent women..
contoh mcm gil ra im (ha ji won) dlm secret garden...or mcm geum jan di dlm boys over flower..bagi aku character camtu lagi attractive...
xla sume watak manja2 tuh aku xsuke..
tgk kt orang yg berlakon la sesuai ke x..
mcm you're beautiful aku suke je go mi nam tu wlpn watak die manja2 jgk..tapi manja dia manja comel..sesuai la dgn dia kan...
and mcm lee min jung tu...(hehehe..)
tapi nak wt mcm mana kan..hero my princess tu pujaan hati aku..
haruslah tengok jgk kan...walaupon aku rase hero tu nampak lagi muda drpd heroin...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nose bleeding~

                                oh hensemnye chad micheal murray ni..XD

tengok tajuk pon dh dpt agak kot kan nk ckp psl ape...hihi
actually last night i went to chinese new year event organize by usm buddies...
i got free ticket from farah (muchos gracias honey!)
but i expect the food was chinese food or whatsoever but too bad..its just a common food..ermm nevermind anyway since i got my ticket for free.

when we melangkah masuk ke dataran merah...
jengg jengg...
we saw a bunch of finnish guy there...hensem2 belaka..
but but but....the one that wear a kemeja 'kotak-kotak' n short pant kinda attract me the most...(kwn2 die ade sorg tu ensem gak tp die plg ensem..hehe)
he's really hansome okay...i mean drop dead hot!!
well..i kinda watch him at that event, can't take my eyes of him..hahaha..

ok, then...
before the event ended, thay had kinda ballroom dancing...
so all guys have to pick a mandarin lime that have gals' name on it..
and guess what????
that guy picked my friend's name!!
die pilih name kawan aku weh!!
so i have to watch her dancing with my friends..isk isk isk
and i dance with farah..hihihi...
so gedik right??hahaha
tapi dlm hati....aku jeles gile kot...
serious im fucking jealous at that moment...(apehal cacat nk jeles ntah ler,bkn pakwe aku pon, ngoks~)
they're dancing ballroom together okay!!!
dh la aku mmg aim die dr awal...(haha..gile psiko ayat...)
so,mlm ni kwn aku tuh mmg xtido mlm gamaknye...hehe
oh xleh lupe moment dancing itu...sob sob sob....ballroom okay! (sila imagine sendirik,time kasih!)

okay okay...enuf with that dengki2 thing..haha
mcm la aku leh dpt kot.
bengong je tulis2 nih..
saje je xtau nk tulis ape at least aku kongsi jgk kn bende ni...
ahh xkisah lah
skrg aku dh tau finnish guy mmg hansome...muahahahaha
hunting started now!!!!!
hehehhehehehehhehehehehhehehhehehehehhehehehhhehee......(creepy x?)