Interested??What are u waiting for?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hai hai...
harini terbaca post siwon pasal puppy yg sgtttttttttttt comellllllllll!!!!!!!!!!
kalau lah aku blh bela puppy mmg aku cari baka ni bela sekor..
mmg cute wehhhhhhhhhhhh..

                                  alololo...tomey2..dlm mug pon muat..hihi

comel gilerr kannnnnnnnnn~
oh i lap u lah puppy..
dh xnmpk siwon tuh..

                                 i don't care pasal u dh siwonnie..i care bout that puppy je..hehe

kecik je puppy tuh...
kalau lah dapat...
aishh..aku memang xleh tengok la benda2 comel ni...
mmg,kitten and cute puppy...mmg buat aku rasa nk cubit2 je...

Monday, January 24, 2011

My first love discharged from military service!!!

                                                 maintain hensem la pakcik ni..hehehe

                                                         (pic : credit to

tengah2 browsing facebook, terjumpa plak berita nih..
well well well...xlain xbukan my first love,KIM JAE WON dh discharge dari military service...
tetibe happy lebih padahal xde kaitan pon cuma minat je...hahaha
suke ati la kan..ini pakwe korean pertama aku minat tau...xtipu punye..
since romance,my love pattzi,wonderful life bla bla bla..
sampai skrg pon aku minat...(berapa byk aku minat nih..hehe..)
malas nk cite byk,tgk jela gambar~makcik happy u'ollss!!!
ape lagi,buat new drama cepat!!


wahh...tajuk mcm serious giler..
tapi betollah...aku mmg serius ni...
aku rase insomnia aku dh semakin teruk ni...
dh bpe hari ak tido lebih dr pkol 5 pagi nih..

bkn aku xnk tido tp mmg xboleh tido...
dh setengah jam aku tergolek2 atas katil tapi sikit pon mata aku xmengantuk padahal kelas aku harini bleh tahan jgk panjangnye..
aku kt school dari pukul 10 pagi until 5 ptg cmtuh..lama kott..
normally org lain mesti dh tido mati lau cmtuh tapi aku xboleh..
huhu..maybe my biological body clock dah adapt tidur lambat kot..sebab hari2 pon tido lambat jadi badan dh biasa...

                                            comelnye...nk baby cmni bleh??sape nk kasi??

bila aku try nk lelap mata macam2 benda muncul dlm fikiran aku..
kadang2 masa nk tido, terpikir kuiz esok..mcm skrg ni lah..
tapi even aku dh kosongkan otak aku pon still xbleh..
kadang2 aku paksa jugak mata aku mcm semalam..
aku rasa dekat sejam jgk aku bergolek2 atas katil tapi tidur2 ayam,tak lena pon..
tapi nk buat cmner paksa jugaklah dh esok ada kelas..
kelas pagi ni xtau la aku..dh la pjg dr pagi smpi ptg sbb aku ada bookclub session...(dammit!!)
harap2 time kuiz aku xmengantuk..oh please....!!!

yelah ape ko expect kan...xkan la aku xmengantuk siang tuh dh malam aku xtido langsung..
part tuh yg aku plg malas tuh..malam xmengantuk siang plak mcm nk gila aku menguap..
sesungguhnya aku xsuke insomnia...(bajet insomnia lah kunun)...
hope esok bleh bertahan~

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Boyfriend at the Moment

Warning : Ini adalah post gedik. Sila kawal usus anda dgn baik ketika membaca.

                                hyun bin di masa muda belia..overflowing hotness!!!!

Ye..aku nak ckp psl hyun bin je..kan ak dh ckp ni post gedik...hahaha
oleh kerana currently aku tgh tgk secret garden jadi inilah boipren baru aku buat masa ini..dan mungkin akan bertukar lagi mengikut mood n ape yg ak tgh tgk time tu...hehehhe
this is hyun bin n ha ji won in secret garden..
oh ya,ha ji won pon  aku penah minat dulu,masa die acting dlm 'memories in bali'..cantik lagi die short hair.

                                                               secret garden

tp seriously for me hyun bin was one of the most talented actor in korean entertainment industry...and one of my peberet actor..(serious lah wei)..korg xske lantak le,aku suke...
who could forget his acting in My Lovely Kim Sam Soon..i started to fall in love with him since i watch that movie...die sgt serasi dgn heroin Kim Sun Ah tuh...walaupon heroin die xla secantik Lee Min Jung peberet aku tuh,tp lakonan die mantop kot..
and yg paling penting jgk plot cerita mesti best..xgune gak letak won bin tp cite mcm playful kiss yg rubbish tuh..mcm gampang jln cerita..ada lak pompuan bodoh cmtuh ikot jela bontot laki tuh..
bkn nk ckp la, dlm cite tuh aku suke lg pompuan antagonis tuh..
walaupon die ske hero tuh,die tetap ade prinsip sendiri,dia xkan ikot laki tuh amik medic just sbb laki tu nk amik medic...
yg heroin bodoh tu plak,laki nk jadi doctor,die lak nk jadi nurse..
reason???sbb nk dekat dgn laki tuh..dh la kena reject byk kali..bullshit!

eh aku nk cite psl hyun bin lah apehal melalut lak nih????
ok..aku tau la korg nk ckp secret garden tuh korg dh abis tgk..skrg tgk my princess plak kan..tapi xpe lah..aku suke biar dulu cite tu upload byk2 dkm tenet,nanti xde la aku mcm org gile nk tunggu episod baru..ngeeeee~
itu stail aku skrg..sbb dlu kuar je cite baru aku trus tgk..then tension nk tunggu episod baru.
tapi pendapat aku,cite my lovely kim sam soon tu lg best n ak lg ske kot...maybe..
sbb secret garden nih aku xsuke sungguh part die bertukar...grrrr
and hyun bin pon dah sgtttttttttttttt kurussssss.!!!
lau compare masa dulu mmg la lain..well,cite tu pon dh lama kan...

                                                        tengok,kurus dah kan...:(

ini gambar baru hyun bin..cubelah compare dgn gambar first atas tu..beza giler kan...
yolah,satu muda,satu dh 'mature' sikit..hehe..
aku rasa nak sumbat ayam golek banyak2 kt dia bagi berisi sikit..huhu..

dh lah..byk sgt lah plak aku merepek..
bkn ada org nk baca pon...
xpe,tataplah gambar boipren i je pon xpe..i xmarah u'olls..hehe~

p/s : pasni aku tgk 'My Princess' aku nak buat post gedik psl si jejaka cool Song Seung Hun plak...tu pon peberet aku..cite 'my boyfriend was gorgeous,he was cool'...(korg tau autumn in my heart je kn tp aku xminat yg tu..hehe)...kalau blom tengok movie ni mmg la korg rugi..xlayak jadi peminat tegar korean movie.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I happy u'olls!!!!

                                                               STILL 02:00 PM
                                           (*pardon me for the bad quality of pic,camera cap ayam je)

i happy hari ni uollss!!!!!!
walaupon terbang beberapa puluh dollar harini tapi apakan daya ke-tough-an dan kecomelan mereka membuatkan minah gedik ini xhengat dunia...muahahahahha
xkisah la kn..yg penting i happy!!
mmg aku nk bragging pon...jealous ker???hehehe
actually i dont have any intention to buy this album but since they include a notebook yg maha menarik dgn gambar pakwe2 aku depan tuh,temptation tuh kena jgk kt aku...grrr...
tp xpe, tak regret pon..lau aku xbeli pon habis gak duit tuh ak beli bende lain...
pasni 2 bulan mkn megi lah nk cover balik duit bershopping...isk isk isk..

actually 2pm was the 3rd boy band that i love other than super junior n shinee..
2pm consist of 6 of my pakwe currently, taecyeon, junho,woo young, junsu, nichkhun and chansung.
i love all of them, but now maybe my bias are nichkhun (tpakse include sbb hensem),junho n woo young.

dulu bestfriend aku sgt gile 2pm ni..n dulu aku belom pon lg minat dorg..
so skrg bru lah tau reason si gedik tuh minat dorg nih..
well dorg skrg kan laku bak pisang goreng panas...especially nichkun yg kiut n mmg xleh disangkal ke-hensem-annya...

but to be honest,now im more into woo young n junho..
don't know why..maybe sbb nichkun dh selalu sgt tgk, plus die dh ade victoria si cantik manis peberet i tuh...
n taecyeon dh xleh skandal...isk isk...(hehe..)
aku rindu gak suju ni,bile nk kuar album baru??????????????????
ok lah,never mind, my beloved 2pm ada, layan lah pakwe2 ni dulu..
so, kepada sape2 yg belom kenal lagi 2pm,silalah gune khidmat pakcik google ini okay!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

U** Hotspot yang Babi

Hah amik kau...
ak kisah ape ak tulis babi ke sial ke kt sini..
u** hotspot mmg celaka gile..mentang2 wifi sume site ko nk block apehal ha cilanatttttt!!!
mcm ni mmg ak pkai broadband la jawabnye..

                                         honestly,this is what i feel right now!!

bodoh btol..dh la youtube xdpt..ok fine lah..xkisah sgt dh..
pastu block gile babi pny byk site..4shared,mediafire la..ak trime lg...
block mysoju pon bengang jgk tp xpelah ak g cr site len...
tp ni smpi pon nk block mmg babi la kau wahai u** n wifi yg cilanatssss
aku nk tgk drama pon ssh..apatah lg nk cr video wat assignment..
yeeee...aku mrah sbb ak xdpt bkk drama yg aku nk tgk..mmg ak hantu drama so what xpuas ati ke???
sbb mostly source die dr
mmg la ak nk mencarut..
mcm la ko nk kebulor nk makan thp dewata raya tp tudung saji xleh bkk...mesti la geram kn..
aku tanya member aku kt u lain xde la plak cilanat smpi cmni skali...
nk pkai broadband pon brodben pon ade limit atleast bleh la jgk bkk kn...
arrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mangkuk pny wifi!!!!!!
woit MPP...mne korg ni hahhhhhh??????
time ni la ptot wat keje...aku dh ngadu ni..lau xnk wat keje baik msk kelas blaja...
meeting sana sini, program mcm nk rak tp bende cmni xleh suarakan...sape yg bantah ni ak vote..even lecturer ak pon bengang psl ni tau!
yeee aku emosi.pedulik ape aku korg nk ckp ak emo ke hape...
dh mmg ak emosi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hotspot bodoh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hoh babinye..nk bkk cite len pon dh byk xbleh!!!!!!!

p/s : pardon me for the cursing n bad words..jgn nk judge aku buruk akhlak ske mencarut plak..aku jarang bile ak start mencarut mmg ak tgh hangin satu badan!!!!im soooo damn pissed off tonight!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Desperate and Psycho!

Smlm presentation Dr.Shaik dh lps dgn jayanya (perasan sndri wtf) so,hari ni mcm yg ak ckp smlm aku nk cite psl kitorang encounter sorg mamat desperate plus psiko.. it is.
masa tu aku bertiga dgn my lovely budies naz and farah..masa tu ktrg baru lps mkn kt subaidah on da way nk g pusat bahasa @ SoLLat..tgh lah syok2 ktrg melenggang lenggok kt tepi Cimb Bank tuh, ada lak kete belok roundabout n benti depan ktrg..driver tu turunkan cermin mcm nk tanya jalan..
so kami dgn innocent nye pg la kt die sbb mmg ingatkn die nk tanya jalan..die bukak pintu kereta skali..dtg2 je terus die kasi satu paper kecik..memandangkan ak kedepan skit so aku la yg amik paper tuh..(smpai skrg ak nyesal aku amik paper tuh)..
naz n paah kt sblh ak.

ak time tuh dh lain mcm je la kan..dlm hati ak 'apehal lak mamat ni bagi kertas bagai" tp ak bersangka baik la dulu...kot nk tanya pelan dlm paper tuh btol ke x aku bukak pon lmbt2 je...dah bukak tuh..skali die tulis ape korg nak tau???nak???nak???

hoh,seriau plak ak nk tulis tp sbb ak tau korg nk tau die tulis ape kn kn kn...hehe..
ok lah..this is the geli geleman content.

"Maaf kalau surat ni mengganggu saudari. Nama saya S******. Sebenarnya saya dah lama perhatikan awak. Boleh tak kalau saya nk berkenalan dgn awak? n bla bla bla...(aku xingat dh,ak rasa ni la kot sbb ak baca dua tiga ayat tu pon dh berpusar2 usus aku)
No Tel : 01XXXXXXXX                                                                                Sekian,

GOSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Habis je ak baca, mak aiiii...goosebump sial...ak pon ape lg, terus la ak kasi balik paper tuh kt die dgn hati yg  bengkek rase cm nk tepek taik kucing atas pasir tuh kt muka die.ak ingtkn iye2 la nk tanya jln ke,nk suh tgk peta betol ke x...
dh tu bleh plak die ckp -

"eh jgn la cmtu, saya dh lama tengok awak...ala jgn la cmni awak..."   (sila baca dgn nada merayu..wekkk wekk..)

lagi lah ak seriau..desperate sgt ke???dh la kitorang ni bertiga..kiranya mcm sape yg amik die la target...hishhhh..psiko gile kott..wlaupon ak amik psiko ak xde experience nk handle org sewel cmni...naz dgn farah pon dh buat muka cm nk benam kepala mamat tu dlm longkang tepi Bank Muamalat  tuh..lps tuh ktrg campak je paper tuh kt die n berambus cpt2..
xkuasa ak oii nk tunggu lama2 situ dgn psiko..
naz said to me that he's waiting there until we reach our school...pastu br blah...

xnk la ak encounter org cmtuh lgi..goosebump sial...
lain la lau ko muke ala ala leonardo dicaprio ke,chad michael murray ke..bwk audi ke,lexus ke...
itu xpyh bg paper pon ak msk dh..hehehehe
eh eh joking je...wlpon ak mata duitan pon lau sewel cmtu xnk ler aku................eeeeeeeeeeiiiiii

p/s : actually ak rasa byk org kena cmni, cuma maybe cara yg berbeza..korg penah kena tak???

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Busy siot lah aku hari ni..dr pagi smpi mlm smpi subuh xabis2 lagi keje aku..ohhhoohhh..
kecian x..??
tangan ak sgt la gatal nk tulis sOmething psl ak encounter sorg saiko ptg td...
lau xde presentation dh lama ak tulis nih..
oh xpelah..esok lah ak tulis okay!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The pressure is back !!! i said before this is a place where i burst my anger,pressure n bla bla bla plus another things too (not just anger la)..
but now  i was reallyyyyyy pissed off with my stupid presentation (i think im the stupid one maybe) !!
well,i was voted as the first person to present on this wednesday (day after tomorrow) and  i just met my lecturer today, i mean this evening after a longgggggggg waiting outside the not-so-luas office...wuteva..
but thats not the issue here.the issue is the presentation was damnnnnn fucking hard to do!!!
well,if u got a number like 9 or 10, its not really a big deal since u have a lottttttttt of time to 2 months to present so u will have soooo much time to prepare for your material..

i dont really care if the presentation was pretty much the same as i did in another classes before but this is wayyy to hard for me and to make it worst i have to do it in just 2 days, minus sleep,eat and talk.
this is not fair!!!goshhhhhhhhh
he told me to present like 40 minutes..ALONE! n told me to make some exercise,quiz or games so my presentation would not be so boring n dull..n he even told me to search for some scientific studies in that area n that was fricking hard!
i mean i have to search the studies in particular subtopic, not for my course..means it will be more detail n how on earth im gonna find that crap?????

i know some of u would said "if thats so hard, go find your material??y wasting time babling here???"
am i right???
what??u dont know how i feel so shaddap!
im still searching for it but it was fricking hard to find so thats y im it?
do u think i wanna waste my time here if i can find it right now??
no babe..i was just too stress with this..n thats y im babling here.
well, this is the purpose of this blog right??
don't remember??ok.scroll back to the top.haha.not funny.dushh.

ohh, ok.
i guess its was really good to have blog for yourself.
im not too pressure right now since i released it here.
i guess it works..=)
so, im going to burn the midnight oil for 2 days straight!
wish me luck!
till we met again..

p/s : hey my classmates aka my lovely buddies, go prepare for it earlier so that you'll not becoming like me.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

No Goodbyes by BLUE


Yeah no more tears, no more goodbyes 

Don't you know it's time for me to go 
Even though it hurts to see you cry 
But don't you know you'll never be alone 
If you hold me deep inside (oh yeah) 

You know that I would rather stay 
But now before I turn awa y 
There's one last thing to you 
I want to say 

Baby there's no goodbyes 
I'll always be right by your side 
I may be far away 
You know that my heart will stay, with you, always 

Now I've pictures in the distance 
Even though it seems a million miles 
But there'll be no space between us 
I'll be there everytime you close you eyes. Yes I will (oh) 

You know that I would rather stay 
But now before I turn away 
There's one last thing to you 
I want to say 


I don't wanna say words that people say 
Cos when I go, my love will stay 

In the heart of you to help you make it trough 
Baby that is why there can be no. No goodbyes 

[Chorus x2] 

You know what no more goodbyes 

p/s : Saje gedik nak post lirik lagu ni. This song was one of my favourite songs in ' Blue Guilty' album. They disband already and i heard they reunited again(maybe,but dunno where they are if that is true) but wuteva it is they are my cinta hati back then,now and forever. So, No Goodbye~

Friday, January 7, 2011

Bila Perutku Memulas Mengadap Facebook

Facebook??Aku tau sume org dh ada.Almost all.Tipu sgt la kalau korg ckp xde except one of my classmate..hehe...Tapi lama2 aku rasa facebook tuh boring dah. Yelah,kalau dh hari2 ngadap benda yg sama jemu gak la kan nak2 membaca status org yg sgt xbest tuh..acece,mcm status ak best je.Status ak pon ntah ape2 ada hati lak nk ngutuk org..Ahh,lantak lah blog I. Ada i kisah nyah???

Aku xla annoying dgn sume status org dlm tuh.Cume status yg keep repeating about the same thing.Contoh mcm nk show off gadget. Zaman skrg org dh byk duit kn kn kn...I mean lau setakat student ipta tu bleh la kot tukar hp tukar2 gadget gune duit ptptn..hekkhekk....

eh no, im not going to talk about korg boros duit pt ke hape, no no no...tu duit korg ske ati la korg nk beli ape kn sbb ak pon boros jgk..hehe..but what im trying to say is...AK TAU LA KO KAYA TAPI XPAYAH LA TETIAP KALI NK HAPDET STATUS FB MESTI NAK CKP BELI MACBOOK BARU LA, APPLE BARU LA, BLACKBERRY BARU LA IPHONE BARU LA BLA BLA BLA BARU LA...


Eeee, rimas la ak baca..menyemak wall ak tau x..lau update skali dua psl ko pny gadget tu ak xkisah la sgt tp ni smpi seminggu la ko dok ulang cite ko syg ko punyer gadget tu.. Aku tau la ko banyak duit, ye ak dh tau.Setakat sekali bagitau xpe lah, ni asal beli gadget baru je mesti nk hapdet status 

"oh blackberry see u soon baby.."
'oh i love my blueberry phone'...'
"oh appleku ini mmg mantop' 

(contoh jela, kang ak buat ayat ori xmemasal korg tau sape kn). 
Dh ko beli of cos la org tau ko mmg syg giler vavi kt ko punyer gadjet tuh..yes, i need to repeat the same status to tell us how much u love your gadjet hokay! 

Lagi satu lau jenis yg jmpe org ni org tu pon nk kecoh dlm facebook..lantak ko la nk jmpe YB ape pon, ketua pegawai mana pon perlu ke nk citer weh? ak xkenal la your so-called-YB tu n i dont give a damn about that!Ni pon jenis yg kje nk update status cmtuh org yg baca blh sense la niat ko nk show-off. Ak jmpe gak YDP Agong, selebriti,ade ak letak dlm status??ada?ada? At least lau nk gtau, straight forward la ckp bro, xpyh la tulis mcm

'Selesai meeting dgn pegawai bla bla. Nti blh belanja makan?hehe.." WTF?
(aku pon xreti nk tulis balik status die,ak dh lupe sebenarnye tapi lebih kurang la ni.korg xphm biar ak jela yg phm)


Ko ingt die nk blanje ko??eh ak tau.ko sje je wt dialog tuh kn? nk ckp ko jmpe die kenkunun??kamcing lah tu?hello~~~I can sense your intention by saying those line okay.

Lagi satu ak mmg la cukup hangin lau org beromantika bulan madu kt fb..
Seriously. Aku tau la korang bercinta, ye sume org dlm fb korg tu pon tau tp plisssss lah jgn berasmaradana dlm wall bleh x..ini lg 1 menyemak. Lg menyemak drpd yg atas tuh. Korg kn kapel, lau dh name pon kapel mesti la ade no hp,ym, skype n bla bla bla kn..wutdehel korg nk lovey dovey dlm wall fb lak nih????goshhhhh
Lau korg pny post tuh org xnmpk xpe gak, ni sume org baca..geli tahu x..ak phm la korg rindu rinduan tp msj je ke?ym ke? xkn xleh?? nk suh ak baca? baik aku baca novel sophie kinsella ke,elizabeth chandler ke lg bgs!

Kn ak dh bebel pnjg nih..amik stok lama pny nk burst ni...act, there's a lot of things in facebook that i really hate to see tapi takat ni ok lg kot..cume dua tiga bende ni mmg buat perot ak meloya je...

Oh lagi byk la plak yg ak annoyed dlm fb ni..haha..ok serious.
Agak2 kalau korg tu LELAKI, pliss la jd cm laki leh la status yg maskulin skit..ini status geli makkk kalah aku pny status..ak pon xpost status cintan cintus brokenheart gedik gedik cmtu..pose dlm gambar pon mmg tergugat la aweks! (xpon sebenarnye.ak goosebump lg ade)ni jrg la ak jmpe,ada la beberapa..korg tau kot..hehe..wink wink*

Sape mkn cili rasa pedas la ye x? Ha? tak pedas? So, u are a gorilla then. Ha ha ha


Ok. Here it is.
My new blog.
Lepas ni bleh la memaki org dlm ni..muahahahahahhaha (gelak evil jap)
eh bleh ke lps btukar2 link nti..ish mcm xbleh je..oh shitttt
eh, i create this blog purposely to vent my what..lantak i la.
full stop.

Haha..gila dasat plak ak punyer ayat tuh..
Xde la sume ak nk memaki je dlm ni..xbaik mehhh..
Ak lau nk memaki ak privatekan je..(kot la, xjanji hehe)
Nanti tuan punyer badan tau jd ssh plak ak kn..nak nak plak korg knl org tuh..
Homaigod lg lah no no no.
I manusia okay..tau jgk nak marah..
Nk cite kt orang, lg la ak malas. Dorg sendiri pon ada masalah. Tambah ak plak nk menyemak.
Nevermind lah. Since my cinta hati (blog br je pon nk lebih2 cinta hati wekk wekk) dh ada, i vent my anger kt sni jelah...haha'
So, till we meet again.