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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I happy u'olls!!!!

                                                               STILL 02:00 PM
                                           (*pardon me for the bad quality of pic,camera cap ayam je)

i happy hari ni uollss!!!!!!
walaupon terbang beberapa puluh dollar harini tapi apakan daya ke-tough-an dan kecomelan mereka membuatkan minah gedik ini xhengat dunia...muahahahahha
xkisah la kn..yg penting i happy!!
mmg aku nk bragging pon...jealous ker???hehehe
actually i dont have any intention to buy this album but since they include a notebook yg maha menarik dgn gambar pakwe2 aku depan tuh,temptation tuh kena jgk kt aku...grrr...
tp xpe, tak regret pon..lau aku xbeli pon habis gak duit tuh ak beli bende lain...
pasni 2 bulan mkn megi lah nk cover balik duit bershopping...isk isk isk..

actually 2pm was the 3rd boy band that i love other than super junior n shinee..
2pm consist of 6 of my pakwe currently, taecyeon, junho,woo young, junsu, nichkhun and chansung.
i love all of them, but now maybe my bias are nichkhun (tpakse include sbb hensem),junho n woo young.

dulu bestfriend aku sgt gile 2pm ni..n dulu aku belom pon lg minat dorg..
so skrg bru lah tau reason si gedik tuh minat dorg nih..
well dorg skrg kan laku bak pisang goreng panas...especially nichkun yg kiut n mmg xleh disangkal ke-hensem-annya...

but to be honest,now im more into woo young n junho..
don't know why..maybe sbb nichkun dh selalu sgt tgk, plus die dh ade victoria si cantik manis peberet i tuh...
n taecyeon dh xleh skandal...isk isk...(hehe..)
aku rindu gak suju ni,bile nk kuar album baru??????????????????
ok lah,never mind, my beloved 2pm ada, layan lah pakwe2 ni dulu..
so, kepada sape2 yg belom kenal lagi 2pm,silalah gune khidmat pakcik google ini okay!


  1. napa xda button LIKE kat sini..T_________T

  2. hahaha...saje xnk letak button LIKE, nanti ada org tekan byk2 kali...hehe..
