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Friday, February 11, 2011

Nose bleeding~

                                oh hensemnye chad micheal murray ni..XD

tengok tajuk pon dh dpt agak kot kan nk ckp psl ape...hihi
actually last night i went to chinese new year event organize by usm buddies...
i got free ticket from farah (muchos gracias honey!)
but i expect the food was chinese food or whatsoever but too bad..its just a common food..ermm nevermind anyway since i got my ticket for free.

when we melangkah masuk ke dataran merah...
jengg jengg...
we saw a bunch of finnish guy there...hensem2 belaka..
but but but....the one that wear a kemeja 'kotak-kotak' n short pant kinda attract me the most...(kwn2 die ade sorg tu ensem gak tp die plg ensem..hehe)
he's really hansome okay...i mean drop dead hot!!
well..i kinda watch him at that event, can't take my eyes of him..hahaha..

ok, then...
before the event ended, thay had kinda ballroom dancing...
so all guys have to pick a mandarin lime that have gals' name on it..
and guess what????
that guy picked my friend's name!!
die pilih name kawan aku weh!!
so i have to watch her dancing with my friends..isk isk isk
and i dance with farah..hihihi...
so gedik right??hahaha
tapi dlm hati....aku jeles gile kot...
serious im fucking jealous at that moment...(apehal cacat nk jeles ntah ler,bkn pakwe aku pon, ngoks~)
they're dancing ballroom together okay!!!
dh la aku mmg aim die dr awal...(haha..gile psiko ayat...)
so,mlm ni kwn aku tuh mmg xtido mlm gamaknye...hehe
oh xleh lupe moment dancing itu...sob sob sob....ballroom okay! (sila imagine sendirik,time kasih!)

okay okay...enuf with that dengki2 thing..haha
mcm la aku leh dpt kot.
bengong je tulis2 nih..
saje je xtau nk tulis ape at least aku kongsi jgk kn bende ni...
ahh xkisah lah
skrg aku dh tau finnish guy mmg hansome...muahahahaha
hunting started now!!!!!
hehehhehehehehhehehehehhehehhehehehehhehehehhhehee......(creepy x?)

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