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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It seems too good to be true...

I wanna go to Australia or Canada for exchange program...
seems too good to be true right...
but im serious here....
im sooooo busy this week, don't even have time to think about this...
just today my class was from 10am until 6pm ya know...urgghhh sick!!!
its a little bit burden to me because it involves a lottttttttttttttttttttt of procedure..
i have to consider a lot of thing before going there...

Its not like i go there for is easier but this is exchange program...
means i have to be there for quite a long time..
extend, money, visa, medical check up, kredit transfer, courses, flight, sponsorship, university bla bla bla bluekkk........
oh ya, Japan give us full sponsorship but with a serious condition of tsunami now, i don't think i was allowed to go they surely had cancelled that sponsorship based on their difficulties right now..maybe...
i had no time to, im not even tell this to my parent..
n i have to submit the application tomorrow...
oh goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
how im gonna make my decision????????????????????????????????????????????????
my sugar baby please help me!!!!!!!!


  1. byk kena consider la...
    aku dh anta borang tp aku rasa mebi xpegi..
    dean pon mcm xbrape kasi..
    and bila aku pkir kos nk pegi sana lagilah, boleh beli keta sebijik kt sini..kesian lak kt bapak aku...
    tu blom msk kredit transfer dgn postponed ptptn lagi..buatnye ptptn buat problem balik nanti mmg naya...
    byk bende kena arrange balik
    masa mintak xpkir sume tu..
    bila baca balik baru la sedar..

  2. plan untuk master la..smbung study betul2..bukan yg short term period punya..

  3. mmg pon..dh decline dh mende nk pkir,xsempat kott..
