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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mari membetulkan tanggapan.

 I'm already terasa and untuk membetulkan tanggapan itu, eloklah kiranya aku bagitau sebetulnya.
Dan utk semua orang juga.
Mana la tau ada orang lain baca ingat aku die-hard-fan pembangkang pulak kan...well..
When I said politics are corrupted, that is MY OPINION and I'm not pulling anyone or anything else to agree with me.

In fact, if I'm  going to vote, of course I would consider my beloved government.
I'm not saying gov are totally corrupted and opposition are totally noble. In fact, I hate some of their stupid dumb-ass action.I will go for what the best for citizen. Its not that I hate the parties, I hate how they handle politics problems here plus some of their fucking horrible attitude because they are leaders.

Well, sebab ko post lepas aku post, dh terlajak aku terasa eloklah aku explain ape dlm kepala hotak aku ini.
Aku neutral. Aku tak nak sokong mana2.
But for sure I will support pihak yg menjaga kebajikan rakyat. 
Thats all.

P/S : Sekali-sekala berdebat apa salahnya kan....


  1. Lek la..sekali sekali bincang perkara siyes kan..asyik cter pasal k pop;s ok..setiap org kan ada pandangan masing2..semalam aku berdebat dengan parents aku pasal ni..Tu aku buat post tu..ehee..

  2. Haha...tu la pasal,sape suh ko post lepas aku..Aku pon selalu gak berdebat dgn mak aku..yup,politik kalau nk bincang sampai 7 hari 7 malam pon mmg xhabis sebab semua orang ade pendapat masing2...
